Research Center 100% dedicated to innovation
The Lightning Innovation and Research Institute is an integrated Research Center. This forward-looking research team of highly skilled engineers delivers undisputed R&D abilities and both internal and external training capabilities on lightning protection management and safety equipment installation.

Lightning Research
The Lightning Innovation and Research Institute LiRi operates a unique equipment: the 1.6 million volts High Voltage Laboratory generates giant electrical arcing of several metres in a highly-secured environment.
High Voltage Laboratory
Real Lightning Conditions test campaigns
Lightning physics research

Since February 2020, the Lightning Innovation & Research Institute is a registered Training Center by the Prefecture de Région Hauts de France. It Complies to Qualiopi quality guidelines.

Interested in a tailored-made training proposal ?
The LiRi is also dedicated to the certification of lightning rods and lightning protection system accessories.
Early Streamer Emission Lightning Rods
Lightning Discharge Counter
Lightning protection System components

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A question about our training courses, our certifications, contact us!News
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